Control your RS232 projects through your computer's serial port.
Neutrinox Robot Controller allows you to control RS232 enabled microchips such as the PIC MCU and the Basic Stamp through your computers serial port.
Neutrinox Robot Controller has a lot of configurable options, and we offer custom copy service in case you didn't find the feature/s you're looking for. Just send us an Email of what you'd like to have more and next time you start NRC, it'll automatically upgrade to the custom version assigned with your account! (See 'Custom Copy' below for more info)...
Neutrinox Robot Controller can be used to: control RS232 enabled projects through your computer's serial port with your keyboard and mouse, redirect data flows from virtual serial ports to the real ones or between virtual or real serial ports, view received data from a serial port and save it to file, Send custom strings or a file through the serial port, redirect received data from one port to another with different communication parameters, do stuff when a specified data is received, measure ping time and so stuff on timeout, and much more!?